.Net Secure Coding Camp | Attacking and Securing .Net Web Applications (for .Net Core 6)
$2,495.00Advanced C++ 20 Programming / Modern C++
$2,395.00Advanced Python Programming / Next-Level Python
$2,195.00Advanced SQL Programming
$1,695.00Advanced Tableau | Next Level Data Visualizations, Calculations, Mapping & More
$1,595.00AI / AIOps for Business Innovators: Intelligent Automation (For Non-Technical Users)
$1,895.00AI Basics Business Camp / 1: Getting Started with AI in Business: Tools & Techniques (2 days)
$1,895.00AI Basics Business Camp / 2: Transforming Business Ops with Cutting-Edge AI Apps (3 days)
$2,195.00Angular Boot Camp | Essentials, Best Practices, Unit Testing, Forms, RXJS, NgRX, REST, Optimization & More
$2,395.00Applying AI to Web Security
$995.00Applied AI: Building Recommendation Systems with Python
$2,295.00Applied Python for Data Science & Engineering
$2,295.00Basic Java Programming for Developers New to OO (C, COBOL, etc.)
$2,495.00Basic Java Programming for Developers New to OO (TT2120)
$2,395.00Beyond ChatGPT! AutoGPT in Action: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Basics for Business Users
$1,895.00Core Spring Quick Start | Spring Essentials, Spring Boot, AOP, Persistence & More
$1,895.00Data Science Overview | Technologies, Tools & Modern Roles in the Data-Driven Enterprise
$895.00Deep Learning Essentials Boot Camp
$1,995.00Developing ASP.Net Core MVC Web Applications / Latest Edition (20486)
$2,595.00Exploring AI Operations: Strategies for Testing and Deploying Intelligent Systems for Success
$1,895.00Exploring the OWASP Top Ten for AI
$1,895.00Fast Track to Python for Data Science | Python Essentials, Data Science Libraries, Pandas, Numpy & More
$1,995.00Fast Track to Scala Programming for OO / Java Developers
$2,495.00Full Stack Web Development with Python and Django
$2,495.00Getting Started with Azure OpenAI Boot Camp for Technical Users: Unleash the Power of AI in Your Projects
$2,495.00Getting Started with Programming, OO & Java Basics for Non-Developers
$2,495.00Getting Started with React Basics / Introduction to React
$1,995.00Hands-on Data Analysis with Pandas
$2,195.00Hands-on Predictive Analytics with Python
$2,195.00Implementing AI in Business: Stakeholder Strategies for the Modern Data Driven, Automated Enterprise (TTAI2101)
$895.00Implementing AI in Business: Stakeholder Strategies for the Modern Data Driven, Automated Enterprise (TTAI2101)
$895.00Implementing AI in Software Testing | AI in Test Automation
$1,995.00Intermediate C# | Patterns, Generics, Threading, Database, Entity Framework, UI & More
$2,595.00Intermediate C++ Programming / Effective C++
$2,495.00Intermediate Java Programming | New Java Features, Jigsaw, JShell, Concurrency & More (TT2211)
$1,995.00Intermediate Linux
$1,995.00Intermediate Python for Data Science & Machine Learning | Explore NumPy, Pandas, SciKit Learn, SciPy, TensorFlow & More (TTPS4876)
$2,595.00Intermediate Python for Data Science & Machine Learning | Next-Level Numpy, Pandas & More (5 days)
$2,595.00Intermediate Tableau Desktop II
$1,595.00Introduction HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
$1,595.00Introduction to Angular | Angular Essentials JumpStart
$1,895.00Introduction to Confluence (TTDV7545)
$1,895.00Introduction to Apache Spark | Hands-on Spark for Big Data & Machine Learning
$2,195.00Introduction to C++ Programming Essentials
$2,495.00Introduction to GitHub for Developers
$1,795.00Introduction to GitLab
$1,795.00Introduction to HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive Design
$1,495.00Introduction to Linux | Linux Essentials JumpStart
$2,195.00Introduction to Linux Systems Administration
$2,595.00Introduction to MongoDB for DBAs